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For booking contact Crystal Lofland @  or email For any other contact info ask for Lamont or email 
For demo submissions send to Finally Made It Records  email

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Real music talk

Finally lets build 

     This is Lamont C.E.O. of Finally Made It Records, and I wanted to be able to speak wit the people on a ground level and build wit the people as we climb to the top.
     We here at Finally Made It Record or FMIR want to bring music back to the heart as well as being able to make you dance. I personally see this as a battle in the game today, becuz alot of real musicians are never heard, or get their sound muted becuz of major labels wit major money. We know today that alot of what the radios play aren't really skilled musicians, and neither do they carry on the inspiration that is needed in a dying world.
      I want to use this company and its musicians to bring back that essense that has been covered up and overlooked. I want to use this company to enlighten the minds, and tell people about the real hope in Christ. I want to use this record company to bring forth the truth and inspire change in people lives.
      If your an MC or musician or fan that feel the same way, and want to climb wit us then lend a voice. And show your action in this movement

                                                           GOD BLESS,
                                                                                Lamont        C.E.O. of FMIR